Sozo Flint is temporarily closed the remainder of Friday, September 6. Stay tuned for a return to normal hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.
You’re shopping for in-store or curbside pickup from:
Monday to Saturday, 12pm-8pm
Sunday, 10am-6pm
Advertised prices and offers are pre-tax. Promotional prices are available only while supplies last. Promotional prices are available only for the specified period and cannot be combined with other sales or offers. Select products, including WEED. branded products, are not eligible for discounts unless explicitly stated. All discounts are applied before the application of 6% Michigan state sales tax and 10% excise tax. Customers are subject to legal purchase limits. Other restrictions may apply.
10% off discounts available to medical patients when shopping recreational Sozo stores, seniors, students, veterans, cannabis industry employees, and Tribal Nations members cannot be combined with other sales or offers. Customers who qualify for multiple groups cannot receive more than 10% off. Select products, such as WEED. brand products, are excluded from discounting. Customers without proper identification at the time they shop may not be eligible, even if they were previously eligible. Cannot be applied to previous sales or credited to future sales. Other restrictions may apply.
Sozo HighMiles Loyalty Program select point redemptions and coupons will be applied to the subtotal of a sale after other discounts are applied, as opposed to combining with other discounts. For example, a customer who is a senior citizen receives 10% off their $100 order, bringing the subtotal to $90, additionally, they apply a HighMiles 10% off coupon to the order, which brings the subtotal to $81. After state and excise tax are applied, the total owed by the customer is $94.45
HighMiles points and rewards from a purchase may take up to 24 hours to become available. Sozo HighMiles Rewards Points are non-transferable. Sozo HighMiles Rewards Points are not redeemable for cash. Sozo HighMiles Rewards Points begin to accumulate when you join the program and complete your first purchase. Sozo Health Inc™ reserves the right to discontinue membership privileges and void a member’s point balance and rewards if any unauthorized points are earned or redeemed or if there is any unauthorized use of the program. Sozo Health Inc. reserves the right to modify or cancel the Sozo HighMiles Rewards Program at any time and without notice.